REPAIRS on PlayStation 2, 3, 4, 5 | Xbox 360, One S&X | Nintendo Wii, Ds, Switch
Xbox 360 Xbox One passcode Clear All models was R650 now R450 Controller repairs Ps3 & 4 Xbox360 & XOne R100-R400
Deliver self or courier direct to workshop
8 PTA Book-in Centre’s |
Our repair Speciality PlayStation PS2 SLIM models. PS3, 4 all models. PS5 all models, PSP, 1000 – 3000, Psp Str & Vita1000 & 2000, Controllers(Ps3, Ps4)
Wii, Wii -U Ds lite, DS XL, DS XL-3D, Switch Modding / Chipping? We do NOT support the pirate industry! We DO repair units from oversees(NTSC + 110V), that are not compatible with local conditions. Our Client Base You Our Corporate Clients
Book-in Centre’s / Business Partners & Agent stores Companies listed on Contact page.
OUR HEAD OFFICE HQ – HEAD OFFICE WHY DO BUSINESS WITH US? Blind Ant is a authentic company from ‘97(23 years in business). We are NOT fly by nights, with established relationship with many other companies. (Big and small) Small companies that we partnered with are mainly our agent network (always looking for new agents). Just look at our client base – speak for it self!! How to get your GAME CONSOLE to workshop? All units MUST come in to workshop for evaluation. Find method that works best for YOU!: A. Direct Collection from your Home or Office Please call us on 0861 752 978 or 0861 PLAYSTation to make arrangements or email link below. Please note collection charges include the collection costs only. All cost to return the unit to you, are on us. So you only pay one way costs and we pay the return cost. For collections in the Gauteng area(BLUE ZONE) there will be a charge of R50.00 this is payable upon collection whether you accept or decline the quotation. GREEN ZONE collection is R100. RED ZONE collections R150. Deliveries are charged at same price. See map for zones.
B. Direct to workshop. Best when time is critical. View MAP on home page. C. Use Agent Store Find agent closest to you. MAPS and store details on Contact page. D. Courier services ALL client outside RED ZONE, use Postnet Courier services and ship counter to counter. Then email us the tracking number. WE WILL SHIP BACK TO YOU AT OUR COST! Your courier service choice could also be used. Our Postnet counter is Blind Ant, Eldoraigne, Pretoria. SEE SAMPLE PIC. In workshop Procedure
Quote will be issued by sms. Upon your approval, job will be finalized and send to your premises or store or for your collection. If agent store is used you will be sms’ed to collect. PLS have CASH ready most agent stores DON’T have card machine. Also PLS review our full terms and conditions. Blind Ant is a service company dedicated to the game console repairs. We are a specialized company ONLY dealing with console repairs, we are not a Jacks of all trades. All work is done at our workshop in PRETORIA, with a convenient network of agent stores (20 and growing) to ease traveling times. Also we have a retail outlet network with Hifi Corporation (11 stores in Gauteng), That is over 30 locations were our services can be acquired. Above the stores network we have drivers on road for collections and deliveries, form R50(t&c apply). We are the biggest console repairer in South Africa. Terms & Conditions “Payment for services rendered is strictly CASH with delivery or pickup of Equipment. Blind Ant does NOT support piracy and are not liable for the misuse of our product or services. All equipment are left in care of Blind Ant at owners own risk. Blind Ant will not be held responsible for loss or damage of hardware and or the loss or damage of date and software on media or on HDD in any eventuality. It is your responsibility to make sure the info on the GOOD RECEIVE NOTE is complete and accurate. Goods NOT COLLECTED within 3 months will be sold to defray costs. Free quotes, quote rejection fee R150, Quotes below R250 deemed to be accepted. |
Book collection @ your Work or Home NOT during COVID
9 JHB Book-in Centre’s